Already on my way to the parking ground I detected numerous geese feeding on the fields. Altogether it had been 96 Canada Geese and 21 Egyptian Geese. Of course the lake was even more interesting. Apart from the usual Great White Herons, Cormorants and Gadwalls, also 6 Greater White-fronted Geese could be seen. Concerning the white forehead they all must have been adult individuals. Aside the sandbanks and where the water is deeper, mainly diving ducks are present. Immediately I get aware of a...
Especially in the winter it can be worth looking a bit closer on Long-tailed Tits, since nordic individuals of the race caudatus are migrating through Germany then. The identication of this subspecies is unfortunately not easy, since not every "white-headed" Long-tailed Tit is a clear candidate for the race caudatus. In the field the on the bottom pictured tits seemed for me almost perfect, since they showed a pure white head, softly pinkish coloured flanks and a well defined black neck. At...