And again two weeks have passed. As it is currently raining and even snowing almost all around the clock, it's not easy to find a suitable gap for a birding walk. Fortunately, Wednesday, the 26th October, was one of these rare good days, when I could spend the full afternoon in the field. Like in the years before I focuse my attention in the end of October on the Sander Baggersee Ost, where I've been rewarded more than just once (see here for example). It felt good to breath fresh air again and...
As there currently is nothing interesting to report from the franconian birdlife, I come back once again to my Norfolk holidays in early August (see here for part 1). This post features my birding experience on Blakeney Point, an oddly shaped peninsula next to the Cley Marshes. According to my guide this place must be a unique location to find rare migrants in the autumn and hosts furthermore a large mixed tern colony. Despite the fact that August is neither a good time for migrants nor for...
And another three weeks have passed. In September it had yet been warm and sunny, but now in October it's cold and windy almost all around the day. Unfortunately I haven't been able to get out birding very often (of course not only because of the bad weather), however when looking on the autumn hasn't started so bad for Franconia. As in recent years early October is the peak time for migrating Chaffinches and Woodpigeons, which form large flocks often counting more than a hundred...